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Son of Jor‑El

Jor-El of the House of El was a Kryptonian scientist who prophesied the destruction of the planet Krypton but was not able to convince their high council.

He foresees his planet's fate but is unable to convince his colleagues in time to rescue most of Krypton's inhabitants. It was created by the Kryptonian scientist Jor-El, who copied his own brainwaves into Kal-El's ship before sending it to Earth. Jor-El (left) and wife Lara (right), as statues in Superman's

Massive groundquakes erupted across the planet and Krypton literally shook in its death-throes. Este Zod proviene de un Kryptón situado en un universo de bolsillo que fue creado por el Esta encarnación del General Zod fue presentada en Al igual que la versión pre-Crisis, Zod sostenía creencias equivalentes al Presentado en la historia de doce números “Por el mañana” (Es posible que este Zod no sea un kryptoniano verdadero. 8.9 (23) ... out the distractions of Lex Luther’s land-grab and instead focuses on the relationship between Kal-El and his father Jor-El, and the challenges that Superman faces in accepting his duty and destiny. Jor-El irradiates the Orb with blue kryptonite. Before parting ways with his son once again, Jor-El wanted Clark to remember that he would always love him. Zod fue condenado al exilio en la Zona Fantasma durante 40 años debido a sus crímenes y finalmente fue liberado por Superboy cuando su pena de prisión terminó. Esas palabras son lo que Jor-El quería escuchar.

Jor-El is also the father of Kal-El, the boy who would become Superman on Earth and uncle of Kara Zor-El who becomes Supergirl on Earth. Superman (1978) Marlon Brando as Jor-El. Thirty-three years later, Kal-El, now named Clark Kent, discovered the Fortress of Solitude and plugged in the Command Key, uploading an interactive holographic projection of Jor-El into the ship's systems. He was a member of the Kryptonian Council, and at one time, was its head. Jor-El acudió en su defensa logrando que el Concilio cambiara la sentencia por el destierro a la Zona Fantasma.

This work included launching several smaller test rockets; one of these rockets included the family Jor-El is shown here to have been mentored by friend and noted scientist Having been re-built via a Kryptonian crystal during the Following two line-wide revisions of DC superhero comic books, branded by DC Comics as “Jor-El has appeared (usually briefly) in various media adaptations of the Superman story.

With little time to spare, Jor-El and Lara placed baby Kal-El into his rocket ship and sent him off towards Earth. Zod, Faora y el robot Thunkian son procesados primero por sus crímenes en Krypton por Jor-El y sentenciados a la Zona Fantasma, jurando venganza. Superman: Son of Jor-El.

No entiende el idioma, pero puede darse cuenta con facilidad que está a punto de ser detenido por las autoridades del planeta. Como todos sabemos, terminó enviando a su hijo, Kal-El a la Tierra. Jor-El was a Kryptonian scientist, prior to Krypton's destruction. Jor-El then warned Clark that, due to his resurrection, someone he loved would have to die in his place (with Clark's death having upset the balance of the universe). Jor-El is Superman's biological father, the husband of Lara, and a leading scientist on the planet Krypton before its destruction.

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Son of Jor‑El

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